Next level expansion

Only 20 spots available


You’re probably here because you haven’t been able to reach those goals you’ve been working towards for so long. 


I bet it’s been at least 6 months, maybe even a year or more, of working and pushing yourself without achieving your desired results. 


You’ve tried other programs that still leave you without much progress to be made. 


And you might even be thinking that maybe your goals and dreams aren’t actually meant for you. 


Is any of this true for you?



Well… I’m here to remind you that YOU ARE meant for MORE!



If you're done with having another year end with little to no progress, living on the edge of burnout and using a framework that is based in the hustle culture mentality that stops you from fully creating your dream life…

Then it’s time for you to do something different!

“I’m on a mission to empower and support female entrepreneurs through their journey in creating their aligned business model so that they can live the freedom based life they've always dreamed of without sacrificing their own needs.”

Let's skip the small talk

Do you find yourself questioning your own goals? 

You know you want more for yourself, but you find yourself second-guessing almost everything. 


Most female entrepreneurs who choose to start their own business face one major obstacle that keeps them feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled.


What is it?


Well, before I tell you, let me ask you a question. If you’re a female entrepreneur who is struggling… or feeling defeated in reaching your business goals…


Which of these applies to you?

You constantly feel like you’re doing it wrong, so you find yourself spending too much time online looking for the best business strategies hoping to learn about that secret thing that will make your business succeed…


You always feel rushed and pressured, never having enough time. Like you're drowning in a sea of too much to do, unable to keep juggling it all…


You're overwhelmed by uncertainty that makes every decision feel like “all or nothing” which leaves you feeling fatigued or stressed with every decision…


You get paralyzed by the fear of judgment that comes with self doubt around whether or not you can successfully create a business that will give you the freedom and life you want

You have friends/colleagues who can't see your vision is possible (you're possibly hiding it from friends/colleagues) leaving you feeling alone in your journey as an entrepreneur…


After reading that, how much of it applies to you? 

Now you know why you're feeling overwhelmed… 


Because you’re so focused on the logistical side of your business (for good reason) that you have forgotten to care for the most important tool in your business which is….YOU!!


Yes, you're the most important tool in your business. People work with you because of what you bring to the table. You may not be able to fully wrap your mind around it but people invest in your stuff because it comes from YOU! 


Am I sensing an eye roll…. I'm serious, YOU are the key to unlocking the potential of your business. 


And you know that not taking this into account is costing you.

Maybe even more than you want to admit


It’s costing you your relationship with your partner

It’s costing you your sanity as you try and juggle everything on your own

It’s costing you your happiness, because you feel forced to choose between goals that are “realistic” versus ones that are aligned with your desires.


And if we’re being really honest, it’s not just costing you. It’s costing your family, too. Because the more time you spend pushing yourself and running on empty, the more moments you will miss that you will never get back. 


And if this is resonating with you…

Don’t be ashamed! It’s not your fault!


I totally get it and I’ve been exactly where you are right now and there’s no one who understands where you're coming from more than I do. 


When I first decided to start my own business, I had pushed the idea off for so long. I thought I needed more time so I created a 10 year goal. It wasn't even a plan, it was just a goal I would tell people to stop the questions. You know the one, “Yeah I plan on starting my own business in 10 years.” 


I mean there were no follow-up questions to that because 10 years was so far away. I even had mentors who told me starting my own practice would be too much work and I was better off working in a group practice where things were done for me. 


And I believed them. I was better off working for someone else so that I wouldn't have to do all the work on my own.


I believed this lie for a long time but I knew in my core that working for someone else was not meant for me. 


I’m here to tell you that your journey to success doesn’t have to be this way- and I learned the hard way!

I jumped from job to job, hoping the next one would be better. 


Fast forward a bit to 2021. At this point, I've birthed 2 kids, married my husband, lived through a pandemic and then BAM…. My dad dies from complications stemming from covid-19.  


I will never forget the weeks following the death of my dad. I was working for a group practice and although they were kind at first, they expected me to go back full time a week later with a full caseload of clients, which was 30 scheduled clients a week. How did they expect me to help others when I was going through my own suffering? I felt unsupported by the people I thought would be the ones who would be most understanding. I mean they were all therapists!


I left the instant I found another job but I found myself in a worse position. I was working for people who were pretending to care.  These were all parts of my journey I needed to see. 


I needed to learn that working for others would never be right for me. I was full of hope and vision, and that was being wasted at workplaces who didn't care to expand. 


I finally realized I wouldn't be truly happy or fulfilled until I went out on my own. 

Now as a first generation business owner and mom of 3 kids, I have transformed my life faster than I could have imagined. My relationships with my partner and my kids are better.  And I am a happier and more confident woman and business owner.

And I have helped others experience the same results!


I’ve worked with countless clients who were looking to create a better life for themselves that involved goals that first seemed impossible.  And they were able to achieve this plus more! They came out of our work together feeling more empowered and more confident than any book, blog or reel could have gotten them.  


They are thriving in their life and no longer feeling the stress and anxiety they brought with them when we first started working together. 


If it’s possible for me and my clients- then it’s possible for you too! Yes, you too can uplevel your goals, create a more aligned life and thrive in your business without sacrificing your needs or the needs of your family. 




Feeling confident in your business decisions and not giving a damn of what other people think about how you live your life


Increasing your levels of creativity


Having lower levels of anxiety and stress. And increased energy.


Feeling empowered and motivated to accomplish any goal you set your mind to

You can have all this and more!…with…

Next Level Expansion (BETA)

An exclusive group coaching program designed for female entrepreneurs who are trying to break the patterns brought on by hustle culture…who's ready to become a more successful, empowered and aligned business owner.  All without sacrificing her own needs. 


Together we will work to process your internal blocks that are keeping you from fully connecting and attuning with your deepest desires so you can create the goals that will actually get you to where you want to be.


Because this is the first ever release of this program, you get to be a founding member and receive exclusive perks that won’t EVER be available at this price point. 



How does Next Level Expansion work?


There is one major hurdle female entrepreneurs face when running their own business, they are often too focused on the logistical side. Whether you want to admit it or not, YOU are the reason people buy your stuff. And if you are not taking care of yourself by living in alignment with your desires, paying attention to the needs of your body and creating a supportive environment for yourself, you will be caught off-guard by the inevitable burnout that your future holds. 


Next Level Expansion is my new signature program that has helped myself and my clients become more confident business owners who no longer sacrifice their own needs because ultimately, you shouldn’t have to choose between running a successful business and living a freedom based lifestyle. 


What's Included?

6 Live Training Session

Live trainings on different topics that will help you to expand and become a more mindful and attuned to your desires so that you can create the goals that will actually get you to where you want to be in life. Topics include: Creating a life vision, Preparing your body for expansion, Cultivating your optimal schedule based on the needs of your body, Optimize you time, Unlock your Purpose and Living in Alignment. 

Private Community:

You'll have access to a private community filled with your peers where you will be able to ask questions and share wins any time they pop in your head. 


Your burning questions answered by Me:

Each week I will also be active in the community answering as many questions as I can. Some of your questions may even spark some surprise live or prerecorded sessions that I will drop into your course. 

Tailored Experience:

Because this will be the first iteration of this course, it will be tailored to the needs of this first group. Yes, you will have an opportunity to request for me to touch on a specific topic that you have been struggling with

I have some extra goodies for you..


As a founding member of Next Level Expansion, I have 3 bonuses that will NEVER be offered at this price point!





Bonus #1 Coaching in your pocket This bonus is only available if you register before January 1st.

Have a burning question or situation that comes up before a live coaching session? You will be able to send me (1) 5 minute voice note 5x a week. And I will respond to your questions and concerns the same day!


Bonus #2 Recorded Meditations

The meditation can easily be inserted into your daily routine and will help you achieve transformational results quicker.  I will give you a personal recording of myself guiding you through a very similar meditation that I use on myself. 


Bonus #3 Recorded Affirmations

Don’t underestimate the power of your subconscious mind. Even though you may not be aware, your mind holds on to all the negative and limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck. Having recorded affirmations that you can listen to while you're driving or going for a walk can help rewire your brain to see the limitless potential around you. Without you doing extra work!


Get Started in becoming a more aligned entrepreneur!

You might be thinking…


This sounds like a ton of stuff! 


I know!


And if it seems a little overwhelming…

Believe me…

It’s not


I’ve created this program to eliminate the overwhelm and second guessing to make reaching your goals easier…not harder…. 


To be something you fit into your current life no matter how much time you have. If your worried about not being able to make the live training sessions don't worry. All the sessions will be recorded, and you will be able to submit questions before hand in the event you can’t make a call.


Next level expansion is not for everyone


Next Level Expansion is designed to teach you skills, techniques and ideas for you to calm the chaos within so that your body, mind and soul is prepared for the expansion you are craving. It refocuses your mindset so you can become the confident entrepreneur and business owner you've always hoped you would be. But.. it’s definitely not for everyone. 


Although this is a supportive and non-judgmental group to get support to reach your goals, if are looking for a quick fix then Next Level Expansion is not for you. 


If you're not willing to have an open mind about different ideas or unwilling to use different techniques and skills, then you should look for another program. 


And finally, if you’re not willing to give yourself the time needed to practice and do the activities (yes there is some work) then this for sure is not the program for you.


If you're finally willing to make the commitment to yourself to be open to a different way of creating and achieving goals so that you can live a life based on your truest desires, then I promise Next Level Expansion is the BEST way to get you there!


In fact, I’ll even guarantee it!

I’m going to give you 7 days to prove to yourself that this program will deliver the results I’m promising you. If it doesn’t, all you have to do is contact me and I will happily refund your investment. 


But full disclosure… there is one catch. 




And the reason is simple… nothing works unless you use it. People often confuse acquiring with accomplishing. They will buy a program and think they are taking action but 30 days later, they haven’t logged into their account or attended any of the events. So, they ask for a refund because they think the program didn’t work. 


Nothing will work for you if you do nothing.


I’m not trying to sound like a jerk but there are only 20 spots available for this program. If you're not planning on doing the work and take the steps in the program, then save your money.




If your committed to taking action and digging deep to move past your limiting blocks then I absolutely want you to join me!



So you’re probably wondering…


How much is my investment?


Although Next Level Expansion is not cheap, it’s a very high touch and big impact program that will show you how to get the results you desire. It’s not a do it yourself program where you watch the videos and do the things. 


You will have so much access to ask questions and get the support you need in the moment. 


It’s a small investment for something that most female entrepreneurs would consider priceless. One that will continue to pay you back for the rest of your life as you will gain new insights without having to read a ton of books, build strong relationships with your peers, and start accessing the untapped power within you. 


It’s a transformation that will greatly impact the trajectory of your life. 


And if you weigh all that against the investment and what it will do for you and your business, then it’s an easy choice. 


And as an added gift to being a founding member, I am slashing the program price by 70% for this BETA promotion of just 2 payments of $150!



Meet the Founder


I’m so excited that you are interested in joining Next Level Expansion. I know this program is going to transform your life!


I’m Kayla Nettleton and I help female entrepreneurs tap into their own power so that they can create a freedom based business. 


I am a licensed therapist and I’ve shifted my focus to helping female entrepreneurs thrive. I’m dedicated to helping you dig deep and move past your internal blocks holding you back from creating and reaching your most desired goals. 


When I first opened my own business, I struggled so hard. I felt so alone and like no one understood me because I was trying to do things differently. I envisioned a life that others told me was impossible. I was trying to create a business where I felt free instead of a business that controlled my life. All the messages I ever heard about creating and opening a business were mostly negative. They were all around how hard you had to work and that things would not be easy. But I knew deep down that this didn't have to be true for me.


I was nervous to admit that for myself and even thought, “Who am I to have big dreams?” It's as if I was scared of my own success. I also wasn't seeing anyone who looked like me succeeding in these spaces. Most of the entrepreneurs in my community were men. And as a therapist, most of the coaches were white women. I was looking for more diversity but I took in all the information anyone was willing to give me. 


This is why I am so passionate about helping and guiding female entrepreneurs through their struggles to success. I never want another female business owner to feel as alone as I felt. I don't want another female entrepreneur to feel like she has to hide her light so that others may also shine. We can all burn brightly together!


So, although you might only know me from Instagram, you will not be disappointed in what I have to offer.